G-KW4V1BZTHB 2021 titles-a
Fremont Library
Great Books Group
2021 Titles
Fremont Public Library
Great Books Reading Group
© Fremont Great Books Discussion Group 2007 -2024
next next previous previous Month		Meeting Date					Title						Author  January		1/30/21		Virtual Meeting	The Art of War					Sun Tzu  February		2/27/21		Virtual Meeting	The Souls of Black Folk			W.E.B. Du Bois  March		3/27/2021	Virtual Meeting	A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There		Aldo Leopold  April			4/24/2021	Virtual Meeting	When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through						Joy Harjo  May			5/29/21		Virtual Meeting	The Canterbury Tales			Geoffrey Chaucer	  June		       6/26/2021	Virtual Meeting	Sister Carrie					Theodore Dreiser  July			7/31/2021	Virtual Meeting	The American					Henry James  August		8/28/2021	Virtual Meeting	One Hundred Years of Solitude	Gabriel Garcia Marquez  September	9/25/2021	Virtual Meeting	The Diary of Samuel Pepys		Samuel Pepys  October		10/23/2021	Virtual Meeting	The Fall of the House of Usher	Edgar Allan Poe 										and The Gold Bug		  November				TBD				  December				TBD
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