Fremont Library
Great Books Group
© Fremont Great Books Discussion Group 2007 -2015
Discussion Questions, Classics
Before each meeting, the discussion leader will provide a series of questions that will be used to
stimulate the discussion. These questions do not have a “correct answer.” Rather, they are used
to encourage discussion participants to think through the text and develop provisional answers to
the questions.
Oftentimes, during the course of the discussion, other participants will provide answers or raise
questions, that will lead to further discussion or yield new insights into the text.
Fremont Public Library
Great Books Reading Group
© Fremont Great Books Discussion Group 2007 -2024
A Christmas Carol
Heart of Darkness
All Men Are Brothers
Desire Under the Elms
Anna Karenina 1 - 3
Anna Karenina 4 - 8
Don Quixote
East of Eden
Ethan Frome
Far From the Madding Crowd
Love in the Time of Cholera
Pickwick Papers
The Decameron
The Hobbit
The Trial and The
Cherry Orchard
The Waste Land
The Wizard of Oz
To Kill a Mockingbird
Gone with the Wind
The Collected Stories
of Eudora Welty
Beyond Good and Evil
The Power of Myth
Spoon River Anthology
Chicago Poems
The Canterbury Tales
When the Light of the World
Was Subdued
Members’ favorite poems
A Sand County Almanac
Sister Carrie
Treasure Island
Selected Poems of Gwendoly Brooks
The Origin of Species
The Country of the Pointed Firs
The Republic